Memorial for Brian von KleinSmid

A place to recall & share all the good times

How To

This page is intended to help you use this website. Its sole purpose is to memorialize Brian von KleinSmid and share fond memories and pictures of Brian.

In order to comment and blog your memories, you must register as a new user. All new users are assigned as contributors, which will allow them to create a new post and allow them to comment. The ability to comment occurs right away, but your first post may take a bit to show. The initial post may have to be approved by Chris or Trish, the administrators of this site. This is to try to ensure there are no bots spamming the site. After your initial post (or earlier depending on how long between you registering and your posting) you will be upgraded to Author, which will allow you to post freely without having prior approval. This is how we are trying to make sure that no spambots create new posts on our pages. Yuck!

Registration, Log In & Profile Updating

Registration should be very simple. Go to the registration menu link at the top of this page and register. You should get a pre-generated password sent to your email when your registration is complete. You will need to use this password initially in order to login to the site, but after your initial login you can change it in your profile.

You can find your profile in the top bar that appears once you are logged in on the right side. It will say: Howdy and list your username. When you move your mouse over those words it will give you a drop down. One of the options listed is: Edit My Profile.

Once you are on the Edit Profile page you can enter any information you wish such as your actual name as well as update your password to something that is more easily remembered.

Creating A New Post

When you log in, you can create a new post by going to the bar that appears at the top and click the link that says new. It should give you the option to create a new post. Once you do this, you fill in the title field and then the body of the page in the large text area below.

There are two editors for the main content of your page: the visual editor and the text editor. The visual editor allows you to enter text much like you would do so in Microsoft Word. The text editor is better if you know HTML and want to have finer control over the layout of your content.

Adding Pictures

Just between the main text area where you can add text, there is a button labeled add media. This will allow you to put pictures on the page where your cursor currently is inside the text field or to create a featured image for the post. Here is an example of a picture inserted into a page at the end of this sentance.CampingI chose the option of link none and align right. It then uploaded the picture to the server and added the code directly inside the post.

The beauty of this wordpress format, is that you can write, preview the post before you hit the button that says publish, make changes and then publish. If you find a mistake or you want to add to the post after it is published, you can always edit your own posts, correct, add or delete as you need. Once you are done, hit update and your post is complete.