Memorial for Brian von KleinSmid

A place to recall & share all the good times



It was only within the last year that I learned Brian and I shared a love of ginger. Especially strong ginger ale, aka ginger beer. This last veterans day there was a car show in Huntington Beach, right on the beach, in the parking lot near the pier. It was on the Monday of the holiday weekend so I wasn’t sure who would be around to see it – Just bankers and government workers? Brian entered Frankenpinto and I decided to spend the day there with he and Nico. I realized that there was no nearby free parking and since my back was bothering me that day I decided to pay the stiff tariff at the city lot.

The show had a smaller than expected turnout, but there were still a lot nice cars to look at. And Brian and I spent the day watching the spectators. Early in the day Brian mentioned he had gotten some ginger beer from a nearby booth run by the Reed’s brand. I had brought a lunch and thought that I would splurge on one drink later in the day. What Brain hadn’t made clear was that they were giving out free drinks! They had odd 7 ounce bottles and would give you the whole amount. So we indulged ourselves often and got to joking with the folks in the booth. Near the end of the day they offered to let Brian take home two cases of the stuff. Each case had four eight-packs of the 7 ounce bottles. Pretty cool. Later still, as they were taking down the booth, they offered us some more, even volunteering one of the booth workers to help carry it over to Frankenpinto. We now had an issue. All the weight was dropping Frankenpinto to where the back tires were rubbing and the mufflers got too close to the ground. So at the end of the show I brought my car into the area and we loaded it up. We went back to his house where we unloaded the EIGHT cases of ginger beer! I kept two, which were worth more than I paid to park in the lot.

This was typical of the sort of outing one would have with Brian – Just go with it and have fun.

I still have some of the ginger beer left – but it just doesn’t taste the same these days.


  1. missusvonkysmeed says:

    I still have 3 cases of that stuff in my office. It will be available for all to sample at the memorial. And you forgot the part here he asked them to set aside the bottlecaps for me and Ana. We have recently gotten into crafts using them and he brought home a huge bag stuffed with all the caps form those sample bottles. I still haven’t had a chance to do anything with those either.

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