Memorial for Brian von KleinSmid

A place to recall & share all the good times

The drummers stare

It was yet another gypsy  crafting day at Kim and Chris’s house. Brian, Greg, and Chris had not long before that discovered if they stared at me long enough that I would not be able to control my laughter. The three of them were slowly chasing me me around the room with their silly stares. I seemed to think a good hiding place would be the kitchen which happened to have three different entry ways for them to enter. My back was against the glass door leading to the patio. I turned to my left and I see Chris making his famous Walter face. When I turned to my right I see Greg making close to the same face. I glance straight forward and see Brian. His face so serious in the silliest way. He seemed to find it absolutely hilarious watching my crying with laughter . I fall to the floor crying with laughter needing my inhaler. All I can hear is Brian, Chris and Greg laughing along with me. After that day they always made an effort  to see how long it would take for me to break down.

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